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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Two for Tuesday linky!!!!

 The Teaching Tribune

Woohoo!!  I am finally participating in my very first link up!!! This is a BIG deal for me and I couldn't be more excited to begin then by offering two of my products for 50% off!  Let's hope I do this right because I am not a tech expert by any means :/

The 2 products i chose to mark down are two of my favorites!!!!

Product #1 
Click the picture below to be taken to my shop!

 Student Planner

This planner is filled with 32 pages of organizational heaven!  it's perfect for a teacher who like to keeps herself/himself organized as well as their students and parents organized! 

What's Included...


Not everything is shown here but this is the main gist!  If you like what you see go click the student planner picture above and check it out!! 50% off so it is $3.00 TODAY!!

Product #2
Click the picture below to be taken to my shop!

 Superhero subtraction

This pack is 68 pages long and filled with 5 different center activities.  It is regularly listed for $5.00 but is on sale today for $2.50!!! 

Here is a sneak peak at some of the centers included...

Super human subtraction task cards

Subtraction Boom Game Boards
(there are 10 boards)

The Same As Categories
(Here, students have flashcards that they must solve and place in the proper categories like you see below)

(here students play the game along the same lines as "WAR."  They flip the cards over and whoever solves the problem first gets the card.  If someone flips a kaboom card over they must put their entire pile of cards back on the deck.)

(this game is just like the regular game of memory where you need to match the problem with the correct answer) 

I am so thrilled that the teaching Tribune is doing these wonderful linky's!  They are such a fabulous way for all of us to keep in touch and build up our repertoire of ideas! If you haven't participated yet I strongly recommend that you do!  I  really enjoyed it!  head on over to their website by clicking the blog button at the top of this post!  I hope you enjoy these two products!! I certainly enjoy providing them to you at a discounted price!!! if you do end up making a purchase leave me some feedback!  I always love to hear from fellow bloggers!!  Have a terrific Tuesday and  enjoy the beautiful sun!!


  1. Your student planner is a great idea! Just found you today through the summer bloggin' linky and am a new follower...


    1. Thank you thank you so very much!!! I truly appreciate the feedback!! I can't wait to go follow all of you tonight when I get home!!!

  2. I stumbled upon your blog through the linky party! Your blog is soooo cute! I'm your newest follower :)


    1. Oh yeah!!!! Thank you so much for the kind words!! Being semi new to this new followers and kind comments but a huge smile on my face!!! Heading over to follow you!!!
