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Friday, June 27, 2014

Five for Friday!

YEAH!!! I am so excited to finally be participating in this awesome linky from Doodle Bugs Teaching!  I literally think i read as many of them as possible on bloglovin but have never had the time to do my own.  I swear bloglovin is like my daily newspaper!  hahah.  Anyway... I'm still very new to all of this so hopefully i link everything up right!  here goes nothin!

Is anyone else OBSESSED with this show??!!! I had heard so much about it but i never have time to watch tv.  Well, my cousin has an account with HBO Go so he gave me his log in information... Lets just say that i have probably gained at least 3 pound this week, lost a ton of sleep, and have dreamed about good looking kings and barbarians allll week!  hahaha.  I have  literally watched an entire season and a half within one week.  i may have a problem lol.

I mean COME ON!!!! is he not one hunk of a man???!!!! I want me a barbarian!!!! :)

I dont know about everyone else, but I nanny in the summertime for 4 kids.  May sound like a lot but I get to go to the pool everyday!! This week i have gone to the pool 3 out of the 5 days and they have been wonderful!!  i mean seriously how could i ever complain about working in the summer when i get to lay out in the sun all day and read books!!! it's fabulous

 Ms. Third Grade

So im sure all of you know who's blog button that is above!  She is absolutely wonderful!  i am currently planning my wedding and I have been in the market for hand made signs for my wedding day.  Signs for instagram and photo booths.  I follow her on every social network site and i have seen some of her wonderful work that she posts in her ETSY shop!  I contacted her and asked her about the things I wanted.  OH MY GOSH!  She was WONDERFUL!  She made several examples for me and they all looked amazing.  I am using her for all of my signs i need for my wedding and I couldnt be happier... So if your in the market for signs for a special event go look her up!

Here is an example of what she has made for me!

Isnt it so stinkin cute?! I cant wait to use it!

While on the subjects of wedding, I have been trying to get wedding dress ready with healthy eating and exercise.  one of my new favorite things is naturally flavor infused water!  it is AMAZING!  Its also known as detox water.  I drink at least 3-4 glasses of it everyday and it tastes amazing and makes me feel great!  You can get recipes and ideas for it on instagram under the account "Detoxguide" or you can browse on pinterest.  Take my word for it and TRY IT!! you will be so happy that you did!

I mean doesn't it just look so good!    

YEP...I did it... i got a spray tan for the first time in my life.  I have a wedding to go to this weekend and I was pasty white.  I was so nervous to go because they tell you that for best results you should go topless and get an expert to spray it on you instead of going into a machine...sooo i did both those things.  The girl was absolutely wonderful and made me feel so comfortable.  I went last night and the rules are that you are not allowed to shower for 24 hours after.  I have been freaking out because tiny little spots show and some streaks before you shower, but after you shower...WOW!! i look amazing!  i look like i just got back from the beach!  no orange color or anything!  I would definitely recommend it to anyone especially those of you who love to be tan and go in tanning beds.  Save you skin and your life and start going spray tanning.  You have to make sure you are going to a good place and I recommend a spa.  I go to a place called "body bar" in Pittsburgh and they are wonderful.  It was well worth the risk and the money!  Next five for Friday I will have to post a picture of me in my dress for the wedding with the beautiful spray tan!

Anyway... that has what my busy life has consisted of this week!  I hope everyone else has been thoroughly enjoying their summer!  Cant wait to read everyone else Five for Friday!


  1. Spray tans are COLD. lol. I got one for my wedding and I loved it.

  2. Sounds like you have had a fun week! Wedding planning can be so fun! My sister is getting married next year, May 30, so we are in full wedding planning, bachelorette planning and wedding shower planning mode!! I can't wait to celebrate!! I hope you are enjoying your days at the pool too!! How fun!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 
