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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Hello everyone! It is currently 12:38 on a Saturday night and I am laying in bed watching a movie and blogging!  It has been a crazy few weeks with wedding stuff, teaching and  a HUGE grad school project!! If anyone has every put together and administered a Qualitative reading assessment then you'll feel my pain! haha!  Anyway, the point of my rant was to explain that I am just now getting to sit down and relax and decompress so blogging about the new project I have been working on seems to be a great choice!

So.... above you will see a picture titled, Gold Star Homework.  I have been racking my brain for a very long time to think of a way to make homework more interesting for my kiddos.  I for 1 am not a huge proponent of homework as a teacher.  I do see the positives of homework, however I do not feel like homework needs to be an every night occurrence in order to be effective.  WIth that being said, I do give homework in my classroom, just not that much.  However with math i think it is a bit of a different story.  

In my classroom I have kiddos that are all over the board with where they stand in Language Arts, Math, Science you name it.  Many of my kiddos are low or speak English as a second language.  For the most part my kids English is fine, however their parents do not speak it at all.  This makes it very difficult to get homework accomplished most of the time because the kids do not always have someone to help them at home.  

As I said before I have since been racking my brain for a new homework idea to help stir some interest as well as give a good review of the concepts taught before the end of the unit comes to a close.  I have come up with my Gold Star Homework idea because of all of this.  These packets are full of different activities for the students to practice the concept/concepts they have been leaning in class.  It is a packet that should be given out closer to the end of the unit for a review.  

So lets get down to the nitty gritty shall we!!!

Every packet will include a page like the one seen above.  It gives the students and parents a brief description of the new friend they will be helping to earn a gold star!  This example introduces the kiddos to their new friend Andy.  Andy needs some help with addition and it is up to the students to help Andy earn his gold star in addition.  There is a gold ticket at the bottom of this page  This ticket is where the gold star will be cut out a glued onto.  Each packet will have a new friend for the students to help out and each packet will have a page like the one above to introduce them to the kids 

Each packet will also include the page like you see above.  This page is more for the parents then it is the kids.  The kids will know how these packets work once they start using them often.  This page goes over the purpose of the packet as well as how it works.  Also, this page has the gold star on it that the students will cut out and glue to the golden ticket if they receive the proper amount of points once the packet is turned in.

This page acts as both the grade sheet for the teacher as well as a tracking sheet for students and parents.  This page shows parents and students each assignment in the packet along with how man points each is worth.  They can easily keep track of their points with this sheet to ensure that they are working hard to earn that gold star!  Once the packet is turned in the teacher will use this sheet to grade the materials and then return it to the student once finished.  If the student earned all required points in the packet then they get to put out the gold star and glue it on to the ticket for both themselves and their new friend.  
Now, below you will see some example pages from the this particular packet which focuses on addition.  Not all packets will have the same amount of activities, pages, or points.  

There will also be an "extra practice" page at the end of every packet for those students who worry that they may not have got every other one correct this is a page for them to earn some extra point to help their friend earn that gold star.  In reality it's just a clever way for the teachers to get their kiddos to practice even MORE!!!! Hehehe we teachers are so sneaky!  

Anyway... I just gave out my first packet last week so I will keep you posted on how it goes.   The kids were really excited about it when I passed it out, and went over it!  They thought of it as a challenge and thought it was really neat that they were meeting a new friend and helping them with their math skills.  We will see how it goes and if the outcome is a positive one!!! I'm really excited about the idea and have high hopes for good things to come from it!  Math is tough and those end of the unit tests that we teachers are forced to give are even harder and outrageous then ever before.  Hopefully we can make some progress with a little bit of fun practice!!!

Oh and I am currently in the process of making my money packet right now and both will be up in my store as soon as money is done!  This will be an ongoing work in progress as i continue to make some for each concept!  

It is now currently 1:07 and my eyes are getting a little sleepy!  Time for sleep and hopefully sweet dreams!  Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!