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Monday, August 4, 2014

Made it Monday: TPT Seller Organizer

Hello everyone!!! I am so very excited for this Monday Made It with the lovely Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics! This is one of my favorite Linky Parties because she gives everyone an opportunity to showcase some of the amazing creativity that all of my fellow bloggers work on each and every week. I had been so disappointed that I could not attend the TPT conference in Vegas this year, but was so happy and thankful for all of the follow bloggers who came back and blogged about their trip and what they learned.  I'm pretty sure I read each and every post about Vegas and i learned so much.  I took everything I learned very seriously and have been working rigorously to follow the advice of all those amazing people!  Therefore, i began working on a project to get myself organized and help promote my products and TPT store.  I have been working on this product for quite some time now creating, deleting, starting over, fixing, and tweaking and it was worth every second!!  Sooooo... I would love to take you through a picture walk of my new product with some detailed explanations!  I hope you enjoy!

(click on the graphic above to be taken to my tpt store)

This is the front cover of MY organizer.  I created 3 different covers that are editable so that you can put the name of your store on the front!  I am obsessed with all of the Melonheadz graphics which I am sure many of you are, so each cover includes those graphics!  They make every tpt product so much cuter!!

This section is for you to be able to keep track of the items you sold every day, every month, every year. It will help you see which items are selling the most, which ones may need to be updated, and how much money you are making.  There is space for date, product name, and amount of $ made from each purchase.

This section is where you can get your creative juices flowing!  Here you will be able to keep track of all those amazing ideas going on in your brain!  If you are like me I have 50 million little scraps of paper laying everywhere where I jot down ideas that pop into my head.  Some ideas are in notebooks, some are in my planner, some are on napkins.  WIth this, I can keep all my ideas in one neat and organized place.  There is room for product details, clip art you could use for that product, backgrounds that would look nice, and fonts.  

The section is where you can keep track of any giveaways you may want to have on any of the products in your store.  Giveaways are a great way to build up your followers and create great relationships among other bloggers!  You can ask others to join in on your giveaway which will bring more followers to them as well!  There is room for giveaway details, promoting ideas, and who is included in the giveaway.  For the promoting section you can jot down ideas on where you want to promote your giveaway (IG, facebook ect) and you can jot down ideas on how follower will have to enter to win.

Throwing a sale for your TPT store is always fun, and it's a great way to get your products out there to the public!  Everyone loves a good sale, and many people have your products on their wish list in hopes that those items may go on sale one day for them to be able to afford it (or justify buying it lol).  Here you can jot down your sale theme (Ex: swimming into summer with a great sale).  You can also write down your sale percentage amount, sale dates, and products that will be included.

I dont know about you guys, but I have about 16 pages of wish listed items that i have found on tpt and eventually want to buy.  Since I have such a big list I tend to forget that they are on there.  With this section, you can keep track of the items you have on your wish list that you absolutly must have at some point.  There is room for the item name, the cost of the item, the date you purchased it, and there is a section for how you can use the product.  I like this section because some times we all need a little pep talk in order to justify buying something.  If you have this space to truly think about how you can incorporate the item successfully into your classroom then it will be worth while to buy!

I am a HUGE supporter and avid user of to do lists.  I have them all over my house and on my smart phone in order to keep track and check things off as i go.  I just love the feeling of writing in that check mark when i finish something on my list!  This section has a to do list for each month and there is also an "extra page" included at the end that you can add to each months check list if you run out of room.

Finally, the last section of this pack is a monthly calendar section where you can keep track off all of your life's events so that you can plan time to sit back, relax, and do what you do best which is create!  The calendars are updated for the 2014-2015 year from august through July.  

Well, I hope you like what you see and if you decide that this may be something that would work for you I hope you enjoy it and it brings you great organizational frame of mind!  I will be keeping in touch with how it works for me in the coming months!  
Also, you can click on the front cover of this pack at the top of this page to be taken to my TPT store!

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