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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Subtraction Superhero

Subtraction Superheros

Hello everyone!! It has been a crazy past few weeks for me and the craziness will only continue because we are coming close to the end of another school year!!!  I have been working away on a few new projects that i have recently posted on TPT.  I wanted to take some time to discuss my "Subtraction Superhero" pack with everyone!  It's one of my favorite packs so far!    So without further adieu here we go!!!!

The first center in this pack is a task card/scoot center for the kiddos.  I created 32 of the task cards that you see above.  Each task card has a different subtraction problem.  Some of the problems require regrouping and some do not.  I also included recording sheets for these.  These can be placed around the room for students to look for and solve.  

"THE SAME AS" Center
This center has two parts.  First, the second picture shows two different pictures.  There are actually 8 of these ranging from the #4-11.  The students will lay these out away from each other.  Now, The picture on the top shows many different "flashcards'  with subtraction problems on them.  There are 16 pages of these.  All of those problems answers fit into one of the "same as" categories.  Students are to flip the flashcard over one at a time, solve them, then place them in the proper pile/category.  They will record their answers on the recording sheets provided. 
This center helps shows students the different ways to get the same difference.

This center is self explanatory to many of you!  It is exactly the same as "bump"  I made 9 different boards for this center.  Students are given 2 dice.  Each student takes a turn and rolls both dice.  They add those two dice together.  They take that # and subtract it from the # on the game board.  If they get an answer that is on the board they cover it with their colored chip.  Students play until entire board is covered.  Whomever has the most chips on the board wins!!

Students will get into groups of 2-3.  They will shuffle the playing cards and place them in a pile.  The pile must all be facing down.  Each student takes a turn flipping one card over.  Whomever figures out the problem first must slam their hand on their mat then say the answer.  If they have the correct answer they keep the card.  If not the other player gets it (if there are only 2 players).  If there are 3 players the other 2 would fight for it.  If a player flips over a “kaboom” card they must put their entire pile of cards back in the middle deck.    The teacher can decide how many kaboom cards to include during the game.  Whoever has all (most) of the card in the end wins!!
There are 11 pages like the one above for the playing cards.  There are also three KABOOM mats included.  

Students will need to flip all cards over face down on the floor in front of them in an array.  They will take turns flipping 2 cards over at a time.  One card has an answer and once has a subtraction problem.  They have to get a match between the subtraction problem and the answer. 

Ex:  They can flip a card that has 12-3 and then they must find the card with the answer or 10. 
If they do not have a match they simply flip the cards back over in the position they were found and continue playing.  The game is over once they entire board is cleared.  Whomever has more matches wins!

There are 4 pages of playing cards for the memory game.  2 pages have the subtraction problems and the other 2 pages have the answers.  

I cant wait to use this with my kiddos!  If you are interested head on over to my TPT shop "The Magic of Teaching" to pick up a copy!!! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to use this with my class! I will make sure to take pictures next year and send them to you!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 
